Modern Restaurant Management Featured Berger Singerman's Hospitality Survey in, "MRM Research Roundup: End-of-May 2021 Edition"
June 4, 2021
Modern Restaurant Management
"According to a new survey released by Florida’s business law firm, Berger Singerman, the hospitality and tourism industries, both constant and key economic drivers for South Florida counties and the state over the last two decades, are expected to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic related interruptions in 2021. The survey, however, which garnered more than 8,000 respondents, also revealed that the recovery of the cruise ship industry remains halted and therefore will continue to interfere with the recovery of hospitality industry.
Results from the firm’s 2021 Hospitality Survey reveal that most respondents (47 percent) have and plan to take one to three leisure trips during the 2021 calendar year. Yet 24 percent will not be booking any sort of travel during the year. "

Modern Restaurant Management Featured Berger Singerman's Hospitality Survey in, "MRM Research Roundup: End-of-May 2021 Edition"
June 4, 2021
Modern Restaurant Management
"According to a new survey released by Florida’s business law firm, Berger Singerman, the hospitality and tourism industries, both constant and key economic drivers for South Florida counties and the state over the last two decades, are expected to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic related interruptions in 2021. The survey, however, which garnered more than 8,000 respondents, also revealed that the recovery of the cruise ship industry remains halted and therefore will continue to interfere with the recovery of hospitality industry.
Results from the firm’s 2021 Hospitality Survey reveal that most respondents (47 percent) have and plan to take one to three leisure trips during the 2021 calendar year. Yet 24 percent will not be booking any sort of travel during the year. "