Javier E. Fernandez
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Javier Fernandez is a partner on the firm's Government and Regulatory Team based in Miami, concentrating his practice in the areas of land use and zoning, real estate, and state and local government advocacy. He has extensive experience in all aspects of the land use and zoning entitlement process, including preparation and approval of planning and zoning applications, platting and other permits required by federal, state and local agencies. He also represents a variety of clients at public and quasi-judicial hearings related to the resolution of code enforcement matters, procurement of government contracts and the approval of public incentive agreements.

Javier Fernandez is a partner on the firm's Government and Regulatory Team based in Miami, concentrating his practice in the areas of land use and zoning, real estate, and state and local government advocacy. He has extensive experience in all aspects of the land use and zoning entitlement process, including preparation and approval of planning and zoning applications, platting and other permits required by federal, state and local agencies. He also represents a variety of clients at public and quasi-judicial hearings related to the resolution of code enforcement matters, procurement of government contracts and the approval of public incentive agreements.

- Listed by Florida Super Lawyers, 2018
- Ranked as a top lawyer in Florida real estate category, Chambers USA
- Florida Legal Elite Up & Comer, Florida Trend magazine

- The Posse Foundation – Leadership Council Member (Feb 2017-Present)
- New Leaders Council – Advisory Board Member (2011-Present)
- Transit Alliance Miami – Board Member (Jan 2016 – Present)
- South Florida Community Development Coalition – Former Advisory Board Member (2010-2014)

- Holland & Knight LLP
- Stearns Weaver Miller
- Akerman LLP
- City of Miami, Office of the Mayor

J.D., University of Miami School of Law
B.A., Colby College

