Doing Business in Florida, "Who's on First/Third?"
June 6, 2017
Doing Business in Florida
As Floridians prepare for the upcoming hurricane season, it is important to understand the different types of claims that may result in damage to your property. Claims related to damage to your property can fall under what are called a first party claim or a third party claim. While first party claims and third party claims often involve similar fact patterns and causes, they are governed by different statutes and causes of action in Florida. It is important to know the distinctions and the requirements for submitting each type of claim.

Doing Business in Florida, "Who's on First/Third?"
June 6, 2017
Doing Business in Florida
As Floridians prepare for the upcoming hurricane season, it is important to understand the different types of claims that may result in damage to your property. Claims related to damage to your property can fall under what are called a first party claim or a third party claim. While first party claims and third party claims often involve similar fact patterns and causes, they are governed by different statutes and causes of action in Florida. It is important to know the distinctions and the requirements for submitting each type of claim.

Jonathan Claussen