Daily Business Review Quotes Heidi Tandy in "Trespass Add-Ons to ADA Website Suits Face Uncertain Future"
In Florida, plaintiffs are tacking on trespass violations to their ADA website lawsuits to boost their monetary damage claims. But while some believe these "inventive" trespass claims stand on shaky legal ground, others are say they are far from frivolous.
January 28, 2020
Daily Business Review

Daily Business Review Quotes Heidi Tandy in "Trespass Add-Ons to ADA Website Suits Face Uncertain Future"
In Florida, plaintiffs are tacking on trespass violations to their ADA website lawsuits to boost their monetary damage claims. But while some believe these "inventive" trespass claims stand on shaky legal ground, others are say they are far from frivolous.
January 28, 2020
Daily Business Review