Sun-Sentinel Quotes Michael Levinson in “After Years of Focus on Profits, South Florida Hospitals Face Biggest Challenge in a Generation”
March 27, 2020
Sun Sentinel
Three weeks later, with U.S. cases of COVID-19 topping 19,000, an ICU nurse described the scene at Tenet’s Good Samaritan Hospital in West Palm Beach like this: “We are short-staffed, short-supplied, and you can see the effects of poor management," she said in an interview with the Sun-Sentinel. "There are no instructions being given to people in direct contact with coronavirus patients, and we are all being exposed.”

Sun-Sentinel Quotes Michael Levinson in “After Years of Focus on Profits, South Florida Hospitals Face Biggest Challenge in a Generation”
March 27, 2020
Sun Sentinel
Three weeks later, with U.S. cases of COVID-19 topping 19,000, an ICU nurse described the scene at Tenet’s Good Samaritan Hospital in West Palm Beach like this: “We are short-staffed, short-supplied, and you can see the effects of poor management," she said in an interview with the Sun-Sentinel. "There are no instructions being given to people in direct contact with coronavirus patients, and we are all being exposed.”