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Search Results : Government Permitting and Licensing

Are you paying twice for your building permits and inspection fees?

August 11, 2019
Jeffrey R. Margolis  |  Government Permitting and Licensing

During the 2019 Legislative Session, HB 7103 passed and was signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis.  HB 7103 amends Section 553.791 of the Florida Statutes by simplifying the building permit process for construction contractors and property owners.  Prior to HB 7103,

How to Obtain Multiple Extensions of Permit Expiration Dates

October 11, 2017
Daniel H. Thompson  |  Government and Regulatory, Government Permitting and Licensing, Real Estate, State & Local Government

Florida frequently faces hurricanes, floods, fires, and pestilence. Nonetheless, as Albert Einstein said, “In the middle of adversity there is great opportunity.”  In 2011 the Florida Legislature enacted the “State Emergency Management Act,” (the “Act”) Sections 252.31-252.60, Florida Statutes, which gave developers a great opportunity--to obtain potentially long-term extensions of certain environmental permits and development orders based upon the Florida governor’s issuance of multiple declarations of states of emergency under the Act. Governor Scott has issued such declarations, in the form of Executive Orders, with great frequency since 2011.  These declarations can become long-term because the Act allows the extensions to piggyback upon each other.

“What Was That You Said...A Compliance Examination?”

August 28, 2017
Colin M. Roopnarine  |  Administrative Law, Bank Governance, Bank Regulatory, compliance examinations, financial institutions, Government and Regulatory, Government Legislation, Government Permitting and Licensing, State & Local Government, State of Florida Office of Financial Regulation

Webster’s New World College Dictionary defines “compliance” as, “a complying with or giving in to a request, wish, or demand;  acquiescence” or  “a tendency to give in readily to others.”  The term “compliance” however carries a very specific meaning for financial institutions, and generally refers to the fact that financial institutions must comply with state and federal law.  Compliance examinations are the primary means for the state and federal regulators to determine violations of laws and regulations, and the strength of the institution’s compliance program.

SURPRISE! You May Be A Lobbyist

March 20, 2017
Dawn M. Meyers  |  Government and Regulatory, Government Permitting and Licensing, Land Use & Zoning, Real Estate

Imagine you are a project manager for a developer whose next project is contingent upon obtaining a rezoning. Your boss sends you over to meet with a key member of the planning and zoning board prior to the vote to explain the project and convince her to vote for the rezoning. Imagine you are a manufacturer who supplies goods to a client who is seeking