Marco Eagle Quotes Paul Figg in "Fourth lawsuit on rentals, how it differs from the rest"
June 7, 2023
Marco Eagle
The legal fight over vacation rentals on Marco Island just got more tangled with a fourth lawsuit against the city that was recently filed, but Ed Issler, who spearheaded the effort to get the ordiance passed, says no matter how many lawsuits are filed, the new rules will prevail.

Marco Eagle Quotes Paul Figg in "Fourth lawsuit on rentals, how it differs from the rest"
June 7, 2023
Marco Eagle
The legal fight over vacation rentals on Marco Island just got more tangled with a fourth lawsuit against the city that was recently filed, but Ed Issler, who spearheaded the effort to get the ordiance passed, says no matter how many lawsuits are filed, the new rules will prevail.