Litigation Counsel of America Honors Frank Scruggs with the Peter Perlman Service Award
October 30, 2017
The Litigation Counsel of America is pleased to announce that Frank Scruggs of Berger Singerman LLP in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is a recipient of the Peter Perlman Service Award. The award was presented to Mr. Scruggs by 2017 LCA President Rusty Hardin of Rusty Hardin & Associates LLP in Houston, Texas, at the 2017 Fall Conference & Celebration of Fellows held at the St. Regis Bal Harbour Resort in Miami Beach, Florida.
The award recognizes LCA Fellows who contribute in meaningful ways to society by giving back their time and resources in an effort to improve the lives of others. The award is named after 2013 President of the LCA Peter Perlman of Peter Perlman Law Offices, P.S.C., in Lexington, Kentucky.
Mr. Scruggs has an extensive history of service as an official of Florida's state government and as a member of the governing boards of corporations and universities. Mr. Scruggs served as Secretary of Labor and Employment Security for the State of Florida and as a member of the Florida Board of Regents. He is a Trustee Emeritus of the University of Miami and corporate director of SunTrust Banks, Inc. and Guidewell Mutual Holding Corporation.
Mr. Scruggs has promoted diversity and inclusion in several roles: Chairman, Florida Supreme Court Racial and Ethnic Bias Study Commission; Chairman, The Florida Bar President's Task Force to Study the Enhancement of Diversity on the Bench and the Judicial Nominating Commissions; and as counsellor to leading companies regarding their workforce policies and practices.
In the words of Peter Perlman, “The profession of law not only allows us to advocate on behalf of those whose rights need to be protected, but gives us a platform to improve the quality of life for those not engaged in the legal system. The betterment of society, the environment, and our way of life, improvement of the positions of people who have faced challenges outside their control, and effecting change on behalf of those without a strong voice are all causes we should take on as professionals as we work within one of the very pillars of our government. The practice of law is what we do, but our opportunities to protect and defend transcend the profession.”
The Litigation Counsel of America is a trial lawyer honorary society composed of less than one-half of one percent of American lawyers. Fellowship in the LCA is highly selective and by invitation only. Fellows are selected based upon excellence and accomplishment in litigation, both at the trial and appellate levels, and superior ethical reputation. The LCA is aggressively diverse in its composition. Established as a trial and appellate lawyer honorary society reflecting the American bar in the twenty-first century, the LCA represents the best in law among its membership. The number of Fellowships has been kept at an exclusive limit by design, allowing qualifications, diversity and inclusion to align effectively. The LCA has offices in New York, NY, Washington, DC, Birmingham, AL, and Seaside, FL.
For more information about the Peter Perlman Service Awards or the Litigation Counsel of America, please contact Beth Rich at or 212-724-4128.

Litigation Counsel of America Honors Frank Scruggs with the Peter Perlman Service Award
October 30, 2017
The Litigation Counsel of America is pleased to announce that Frank Scruggs of Berger Singerman LLP in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is a recipient of the Peter Perlman Service Award. The award was presented to Mr. Scruggs by 2017 LCA President Rusty Hardin of Rusty Hardin & Associates LLP in Houston, Texas, at the 2017 Fall Conference & Celebration of Fellows held at the St. Regis Bal Harbour Resort in Miami Beach, Florida.
The award recognizes LCA Fellows who contribute in meaningful ways to society by giving back their time and resources in an effort to improve the lives of others. The award is named after 2013 President of the LCA Peter Perlman of Peter Perlman Law Offices, P.S.C., in Lexington, Kentucky.
Mr. Scruggs has an extensive history of service as an official of Florida's state government and as a member of the governing boards of corporations and universities. Mr. Scruggs served as Secretary of Labor and Employment Security for the State of Florida and as a member of the Florida Board of Regents. He is a Trustee Emeritus of the University of Miami and corporate director of SunTrust Banks, Inc. and Guidewell Mutual Holding Corporation.
Mr. Scruggs has promoted diversity and inclusion in several roles: Chairman, Florida Supreme Court Racial and Ethnic Bias Study Commission; Chairman, The Florida Bar President's Task Force to Study the Enhancement of Diversity on the Bench and the Judicial Nominating Commissions; and as counsellor to leading companies regarding their workforce policies and practices.
In the words of Peter Perlman, “The profession of law not only allows us to advocate on behalf of those whose rights need to be protected, but gives us a platform to improve the quality of life for those not engaged in the legal system. The betterment of society, the environment, and our way of life, improvement of the positions of people who have faced challenges outside their control, and effecting change on behalf of those without a strong voice are all causes we should take on as professionals as we work within one of the very pillars of our government. The practice of law is what we do, but our opportunities to protect and defend transcend the profession.”
The Litigation Counsel of America is a trial lawyer honorary society composed of less than one-half of one percent of American lawyers. Fellowship in the LCA is highly selective and by invitation only. Fellows are selected based upon excellence and accomplishment in litigation, both at the trial and appellate levels, and superior ethical reputation. The LCA is aggressively diverse in its composition. Established as a trial and appellate lawyer honorary society reflecting the American bar in the twenty-first century, the LCA represents the best in law among its membership. The number of Fellowships has been kept at an exclusive limit by design, allowing qualifications, diversity and inclusion to align effectively. The LCA has offices in New York, NY, Washington, DC, Birmingham, AL, and Seaside, FL.
For more information about the Peter Perlman Service Awards or the Litigation Counsel of America, please contact Beth Rich at or 212-724-4128.