HR Daily Advisor invites Andrew Zelmanowitz as a guest for his podcast, "HR Works COVID-19 Update: What Should Be in Every Employee Handbook"
June 11, 2020
HR Daily Advisor
COVID-19 has changed everything, but has your employee handbook been updated? In this episode of HR Works: COVID-19 Update, my guest discusses the critical policy updates that your organization needs to make in order to avoid an upcoming wave of coronavirus-related litigation.
We are pleased to with us today attorney Andrew B. Zelman, Partner at Berger Singerman, a business law firm out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

HR Daily Advisor invites Andrew Zelmanowitz as a guest for his podcast, "HR Works COVID-19 Update: What Should Be in Every Employee Handbook"
June 11, 2020
HR Daily Advisor
COVID-19 has changed everything, but has your employee handbook been updated? In this episode of HR Works: COVID-19 Update, my guest discusses the critical policy updates that your organization needs to make in order to avoid an upcoming wave of coronavirus-related litigation.
We are pleased to with us today attorney Andrew B. Zelman, Partner at Berger Singerman, a business law firm out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida.