HR Daily Advisor invites Andrew Zelmanowitz as a guest for his podcast, "HR Works: COVID-19 Update on Avoiding COVID Related Employee Lawsuits"
June 18, 2020
HR Daily Advisor
Now more than months into the pandemic, we are starting to see the first COVID-related employee lawsuits. Last week we began to discuss which employee policies need to be updated or created to handle new legal challenges surrounding the coronavirus. For example, we recently saw a wrongful death and survival action for the coronavirus related fatality of an employee who worked in a Pennsylvania meat processing plat for the world’s largest beef processing company.
We are pleased have back with us for this episode attorney Andrew B. Zelman, Partner at Berger Singerman, a business law firm out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. In this episode, we will discuss what happens when an employee refuses to return to work as well as what Andrew is seeing in terms of new lawsuits surrounding COVID-19.

HR Daily Advisor invites Andrew Zelmanowitz as a guest for his podcast, "HR Works: COVID-19 Update on Avoiding COVID Related Employee Lawsuits"
June 18, 2020
HR Daily Advisor
Now more than months into the pandemic, we are starting to see the first COVID-related employee lawsuits. Last week we began to discuss which employee policies need to be updated or created to handle new legal challenges surrounding the coronavirus. For example, we recently saw a wrongful death and survival action for the coronavirus related fatality of an employee who worked in a Pennsylvania meat processing plat for the world’s largest beef processing company.
We are pleased have back with us for this episode attorney Andrew B. Zelman, Partner at Berger Singerman, a business law firm out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. In this episode, we will discuss what happens when an employee refuses to return to work as well as what Andrew is seeing in terms of new lawsuits surrounding COVID-19.