Christopher Andrew Jarvinen to Speak at the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges in Washington, D.C.
August 4, 2019
Christopher Andrew Jarvinen, a partner on the Business Reorganization Team of Berger Singerman LLP, will be speaking on the panel, “Ethics Wars”: Blood-letting, conflicts, vendettas & personal attacks, and other skirmishes taking place on today’s competitive bankruptcy battlefield, at the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges (NCBJ) to be held between October 30th and November 2nd in Washington, D.C.
The NCBJ is an official association comprised of U.S. Bankruptcy Judges and other qualifying international judges. The NCBJ has several core purposes, including (i) providing continuing legal education to judges, lawyers, and other involved professionals, (ii) promoting cooperation among the U.S. Bankruptcy Judges, (iii) securing a greater degree of quality and uniformity in the administration of the U.S. Bankruptcy system, and (iv) improving the practice of law in the Bankruptcy Courts of the United States.
Each year, the NCBJ attracts thousands of current and retired U.S. Bankruptcy Judges, attorneys, professional turnaround specialists, accountants, bankers, lenders, auctioneers, academics, trustees, and other professionals involved in the area of corporate restructuring and consumer bankruptcies for a four-day conference. The panel on which Mr. Jarvinen will be speaking is a part of the Professional Ethics Subcommittee program of the American Bar Association. It is scheduled to take place on November 1, 2019.
Mr. Jarvinen has been elected to the American College of Bankruptcy, American Law Institute, and the International Insolvency Institute, and he has served as a Fulbright scholar at the Bankruptcy Law & Restructuring Research Center in Beijing, China. He received his law degree from Boston College Law School, his undergraduate degree in Economics from Brown University, graduate degrees in theological ethics and religion from Harvard Divinity School and Yale Divinity School, a Global Executive Master of Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas – Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo (FGV-EAESP) and both a Postgraduate Diploma in Organisational Leadership and a Master of Science degree in Major Programme Management from the Saïd Business School of the University of Oxford. He has also served as an adjunct professor at FGV-EAESP teaching international legal management.

Christopher Andrew Jarvinen to Speak at the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges in Washington, D.C.
August 4, 2019
Christopher Andrew Jarvinen, a partner on the Business Reorganization Team of Berger Singerman LLP, will be speaking on the panel, “Ethics Wars”: Blood-letting, conflicts, vendettas & personal attacks, and other skirmishes taking place on today’s competitive bankruptcy battlefield, at the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges (NCBJ) to be held between October 30th and November 2nd in Washington, D.C.
The NCBJ is an official association comprised of U.S. Bankruptcy Judges and other qualifying international judges. The NCBJ has several core purposes, including (i) providing continuing legal education to judges, lawyers, and other involved professionals, (ii) promoting cooperation among the U.S. Bankruptcy Judges, (iii) securing a greater degree of quality and uniformity in the administration of the U.S. Bankruptcy system, and (iv) improving the practice of law in the Bankruptcy Courts of the United States.
Each year, the NCBJ attracts thousands of current and retired U.S. Bankruptcy Judges, attorneys, professional turnaround specialists, accountants, bankers, lenders, auctioneers, academics, trustees, and other professionals involved in the area of corporate restructuring and consumer bankruptcies for a four-day conference. The panel on which Mr. Jarvinen will be speaking is a part of the Professional Ethics Subcommittee program of the American Bar Association. It is scheduled to take place on November 1, 2019.
Mr. Jarvinen has been elected to the American College of Bankruptcy, American Law Institute, and the International Insolvency Institute, and he has served as a Fulbright scholar at the Bankruptcy Law & Restructuring Research Center in Beijing, China. He received his law degree from Boston College Law School, his undergraduate degree in Economics from Brown University, graduate degrees in theological ethics and religion from Harvard Divinity School and Yale Divinity School, a Global Executive Master of Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas – Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo (FGV-EAESP) and both a Postgraduate Diploma in Organisational Leadership and a Master of Science degree in Major Programme Management from the Saïd Business School of the University of Oxford. He has also served as an adjunct professor at FGV-EAESP teaching international legal management.