Standard Terms of Engagement
Unless modified in writing by mutual agreement, these standard terms of our engagement as Your lawyers will be an integral part of our agreement with You. Therefore, we ask that You review this document carefully and contact us promptly if You have any questions.
No Representation of Your Affiliates
You have agreed that our representation of You does not give rise to a lawyer-client relationship between our Firm and any of Your affiliates. "Affiliates" include, but are not limited to (1) shareholders or constituent partners, members, or other equity stakeholders, (2) parent, sister, brother and subsidiary companies, (3) joint ventures, limited partnerships, general partnerships, limited liability companies, or other unincorporated entities in which Client may have an ownership interest, (4) officers, (5) directors, (6) employees, or (7) any other party related by family relationship, management position or capacity, contractual, cross-ownership or otherwise. Accordingly, representation of You will not give rise to any potential conflict of interest (or cause for our disqualification) in the event other clients of the Firm are adverse to any of Your affiliates.
Client Responsibilities
You agree to pay our invoices for services and expenses as provided below. In addition, you agree to be candid and cooperative with us and will keep us informed with complete and accurate factual information, documents and other communications relevant to the subject matter of our representation or otherwise reasonably requested by us. We must necessarily rely on the accuracy and completeness of the information You and Your agents provide to us.
Because it is important that we are able to contact You at all times to consult with You, please inform us in writing of any changes in Your mailing address, e-mail address or telephone number, or changes in the name, address, telephone number, contact person, e-mail address, state of incorporation or other relevant changes regarding any of Your businesses. Whenever we need Your instruction or authorization in order to proceed with legal work on Your behalf, we will contact You at the latest business address we have received from You. If You affiliate with, acquire, are acquired by, or merge with another client, please provide us with sufficient notice to permit us to withdraw as Your lawyers if we determine that such affiliation, acquisition, or merger creates an irreconcilable conflict of interest between any of our other clients and the other party to such affiliation, acquisition, or merger, or if we determine that it is not in the best interests of the Firm to represent the new entity.
No Assignment
Because our relationship with you is personal in nature, our duties to you and your resulting rights or claims shall not be assignable or assigned to another person or entity, and unless we expressly agree otherwise in a writing signed by you and us, no third party shall be considered as a beneficiary of our services to you.
In-House Litigation Support Services
Electronic discovery and the use of technology has become a significant component of adversarial proceedings, and can be quite costly to clients. Although third party vendors offer technical litigation support, we offer in-house litigation support services that may be more economical to our clients than outside vendors. We welcome the opportunity to share with You information about our in-house litigation support services and staff, including the technologies they use. The pricing for this service is a one-time $250 charge for database set up and a $12/GB monthly storage fee for matters whose data equals or exceeds 5GB of storage. Matters whose data is smaller than 5GB will not be charged the monthly storage fee.
Billing Arrangements and Terms of Payment
We will invoice You for services rendered, disbursements and charges posted on our books on a monthly basis, or such other periodic basis as we may determine, and will expect payment within thirty days. In the event You do not object to any invoice we issue within 20 days after issuance, You agree that each invoice is accurate and reasonable and shall be considered an account stated, and You waive any right to object later to the accuracy or reasonableness of our services rendered or the amount due.
Interest will accrue at the rate of one percent per month on invoices outstanding more than thirty days. If You fail to pay any monthly invoices, we may, in our sole discretion, cease to represent You, and may apply the security retainer to Your outstanding invoices.
For Your convenience, You may make security retainer deposits or pay our invoices using any of the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover. In the event You elect to use a credit card, You may access our online payment portal by visiting Only You, or your designee, may authorize a charge to your credit card with respect to legal services rendered by the Firm. Such authorization will constitute your agreement to pay the amount charged and the charges are valid and reasonable.
Privileged Communications Exchanged by Electronic Means
You acknowledge that the Firm’s attorneys and staff sometimes communicate with You, and Your professionals and agents, by cellular phone, text messaging, videoconferencing and/or electronic mail, and that such communications are capable of being intercepted by others. You and the Firm expressly disclaim any intention to limit or waive legal protections afforded to their communications by using any electronic means. You agree to inform the Firm if You desire that privileged matters not be discussed through such electronic means. You agree to inform the Firm in advance if You wish to institute a system to encode all e-mail communication between the Firm and You, or Your professionals or agents, or otherwise to limit or prohibit the use of electronic means of communication during the engagement.
Sharing and Executing Documents by Electronic Means
You acknowledge that the Firm’s attorneys and staff may sometimes share documents and information with You, and/or Your professionals and agents, by electronic means (including facsimile, electronic mail or cloud-based platforms such as Sharefile), and also may seek your signature on documents by electronic means (e.g. .pdf or any electronic signature complying with the U.S. federal ESIGN Act of 2000, e.g., You consent to the Firm’s use of electronic means to share documents and information (and obtain signatures thereon) although such electronic communications are capable of being intercepted by others. You and the Firm expressly disclaim any intention to limit or waive legal protections afforded to their communications by using any electronic means. You agree to inform the Firm in writing if You desire that the Firm not share any documents and information (or obtain any signatures thereon) through electronic means.
Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools
We anticipate that, during the course of this engagement, the firm may use generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) to enhance and streamline certain aspects of our services. Like any technology, GenAI carries some degree of risk, which may include the risk of errors in GenAI-generated content, data security vulnerabilities, and system malfunctions. We have implemented reasonable measures to safeguard against these risks, and our lawyers maintain oversight of GenAI-generated outputs. Accordingly, we and you agree that the benefits of using this technology outweigh the related risks, and You consent to our use of this technology.
Public Relations and Marketing
Often times we refer to our public/non-confidential representations on our website and in public press releases. By executing our engagement letter, You agree that we may use Your name in our materials as a client. We will never publish any matters or details which are confidential in nature.
In-Firm Privilege
From time to time, issues arise relating to legal ethics or our duties under the professional conduct rules that apply to lawyers. These might include conflict of interest issues, and could even include issues raised because of a dispute between us and a client over the handling of a matter. In such instances, it may be necessary for our lawyers to consult with our firm’s General Counsel or other lawyers. We consider such consultations to be attorney-client privileged communications between firm personnel and the counsel for the firm.
By addressing our duties, obligations or responsibilities to a client in those consultations, it is possible that a conflict of interest might be deemed to exist as between our firm and a client. We believe that it is in our clients’ interest, as well as our firm’s interest, that when legal ethics or related issues arise during a representation, we obtain expert analysis of our obligations. Accordingly, You agree that if we determine in our own discretion during the course of the representation that it is either necessary or appropriate to consult with our internal or outside counsel, we have Your consent to do so and that our representation of You shall not, thereby, waive any attorney-client privilege that our firm may have to protect the confidentiality of our communications with counsel.
Termination of Engagement
You may terminate our services and representation at any time upon written notice to us. Such termination shall not, however, relieve You of the obligation to pay for all services already rendered, including work in progress and remaining incomplete at the time of termination, and to pay for all expenses incurred on Your behalf through the date of termination, all of which will be due and payable immediately upon termination.
We reserve the right to withdraw from our representation in our discretion or as required or permitted by the applicable rules of professional conduct upon written notice to You. In the event that we terminate the engagement, we will take such steps as are reasonably practicable to protect Your interests in the specified matter, and You agree to take all steps necessary to free us of any obligation to perform further, including the execution of any documents necessary to accomplish our withdrawal. We will be entitled to be paid immediately for all services rendered, and costs or expenses incurred on Your behalf, through the date of withdrawal. If permission for withdrawal is required by a court or arbitration panel, we will promptly request such permission, and You agree not to oppose our request. In the event of nonpayment of fees, we shall have a lien on all of Your documents, property of any kind, or money in our possession, custody or control to secure the payment of all sums due under this agreement, and upon property or funds received by You by settlement, judgment, or otherwise relating to any matter in which we provided counsel to You. In addition, any funds or monies recovered by You in one matter for which we have been engaged by You shall be security for the payment of our fees and costs in any other matter for which we have been engaged by You.
In the event You have engaged us on a contingent fee basis, You agree that Your termination of our services to You is without prejudice to any of our rights in respect of fees due to us based on the outcome of the Matter after our termination.
Unless previously terminated, our representation of You in a specified matter will terminate upon the earlier of the completion of our firm's work on that matter or when we send to You our final invoice for services rendered in the matter. Our firm's attorney-client relationship for that matter will terminate at such time.
Following termination of our services, at Your request, Your papers and property will be returned to You upon receipt of payment for outstanding fees and costs. We will retain our own files pertaining to the matter. Our own files include, for example, firm administrative records, time and expense reports, personnel and staffing materials, and credit and accounting records; and internal lawyers’ work product such as drafts, notes, internal memoranda, and legal and factual research, including investigative reports, prepared by or for the internal use of lawyers. All such documents retained by the Firm will be transferred to the person responsible for administering our records retention program. For various reasons, including the minimization of unnecessary storage expenses, we reserve the right to destroy or otherwise dispose of any such documents or other materials retained by us within a reasonable time after the termination of the engagement.
After the conclusion of our representation in a matter, changes may occur in the applicable laws, regulations, facts or circumstances that could have an impact upon Your rights and liabilities. Unless You separately engage us after the conclusion of the matter to provide additional advice on circumstances or issues arising since our earlier representation ended, the Firm has no continuing obligation to advise You or update You with respect to future legal developments, including changes in applicable laws, regulations, facts, or circumstances.
Frequently we produce and disseminate advisories and newsletters, or post information on our website or through social media, or conduct seminars or other presentations, that may offer timely insights and updates on a variety of issues. Information received through these advisories, newsletters or seminars shall not be considered as or constitute legal advice for any particular matter.
Responses to Audit Letter Requests
If You engage an accountant to audit Your financial statements, it is likely the accountant will request, during the audit, that our firm provide a written description of all pending or threatened claims or lawsuits to which our firm has given substantive attention on Your behalf. This request is typically a standardized letter provided by the accountant which You are requested to send to us for our response. We will typically charge You for providing the response to the audit letter, and You agree to pay such fees and costs related to our response to the audit letter request.
Dispute Resolution Procedures
It is our goal to maintain at all times a constructive and positive relationship with You on the matter described above and on future matters in which we may perform services. However, should a dispute arise between us arising out of or relating to this agreement or any services provided by us to You, in connection with the matter described above or any other matters (including malpractice claims and fee disputes), we believe that a prompt and fair resolution is in the interests of all concerned.
Voluntary Mediation
At the written request of the Firm or You, a dispute may be submitted to mediation prior to the commencement of any adversarial case between us. Either party may request mediation in writing within ten (10) calendar days following the Firm’s notice of invocation of these dispute resolution procedures. If served by first class mail, a notice of a request for mediation shall be considered received by the other party three (3) calendar days after mailing. If the other party within five (5) calendar days after notice does not also agree in writing to mediate, either party may then commence any adversarial case without further delay. If the parties agree to mediate, the mediation shall be completed no later than forty-five (45) calendar days following the initial written request for mediation.
In the mediation process, the parties will try to resolve their differences voluntarily with the aid of any impartial mediator, who will attempt to facilitate negotiations. The mediator will be selected by agreement of the parties. However, if the parties cannot agree on a mediator, any party may request that JAMS/Endispute designate a mediator.
The mediation will be conducted as specified by the mediator and agreed upon by the parties. The parties agree to discuss their differences in good faith and to attempt, with the assistance of the mediator, to reach an amicable resolution of the dispute.
The mediation will be treated as a settlement discussion. The mediation will be treated as confidential. The mediator may not testify for either party in any later proceeding relating to the dispute. No recording or transcript shall be made of the mediation proceedings.
Each party will bear its own costs in the mediation. The fees and expenses of the mediator will be shared equally by the parties.
If either party fails to strictly follow these mediation procedures, the other party shall be entitled to commence any adversarial proceeding without further delay.
Mutual Agreement to Use Voluntary Trial Resolution Judge To Resolve Disputes
You and we agree that any dispute arising out of, in connection with, or in relation to the interpretation, performance or breach of this Agreement – including any claim of legal malpractice whether sounding in tort or contract, negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, or similar claim, and any claim involving fees or expenses – shall be resolved exclusively by voluntary private trial resolution pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 44.104. The party initiating the claim shall file a complaint in either the 11th Judicial Circuit Court or the 17th Judicial Circuit Court, in and for the State of Florida; You and we agree that either of those Courts have jurisdiction over any dispute between You and us, and that venue is proper in either of those Courts. Within 15 days after service of a complaint, each of the parties named in such complaint agree to jointly move for the appointment of a voluntary trial resolution judge to preside over the action. The parties shall seek agreement on the selection of the voluntary trial resolution judge, but if the parties fail to reach agreement, then the Circuit Court Judge to whom the action was initially assigned shall appoint a voluntary trial resolution judge and determine said judge’s compensation in accordance with Florida Statutes Section Chapter 44.104. You and we agree to advance and pay the costs of the voluntary trial resolution judge equally during the pendency of the action or on such terms as the private judge may otherwise determine. Before agreeing to voluntary private trial resolution pursuant to Florida Statute Section 44.104, You have the right to consult with independent counsel.
For collection purposes, we may assign Your account(s) to an entity as permitted by Florida law and the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar, and we may represent that entity in pursuing collection of Your account(s).
Our relationship with You, including the validity, construction and enforceability of this engagement letter, shall be governed by the law and professional conduct rules of Florida, without regard to conflicts of laws principles.
Mutual Waiver of Right to Jury Trial
You and we irrevocably and unconditionally waive, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any right You and we may have to a trial by jury in any legal action, proceeding, cause of action or counterclaim arising out of or relating to this Agreement and any services rendered by us, including any claim of legal malpractice whether sounding in tort or contract, negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, or similar claim, and any claim involving fees or expenses. You and we certify and acknowledge that (a) no representative of the other party has represented, expressly or otherwise, that the other party would not seek to enforce the foregoing waiver in the event of a legal action, (b) You and we have considered the implications of this waiver, and (c) You and we make this waiver knowingly and voluntarily. Before agreeing to waive any right to a jury trial, You have the right to consult with independent counsel.
Last Modified: 1/15/2025

Standard Terms of Engagement
Unless modified in writing by mutual agreement, these standard terms of our engagement as Your lawyers will be an integral part of our agreement with You. Therefore, we ask that You review this document carefully and contact us promptly if You have any questions.
No Representation of Your Affiliates
You have agreed that our representation of You does not give rise to a lawyer-client relationship between our Firm and any of Your affiliates. "Affiliates" include, but are not limited to (1) shareholders or constituent partners, members, or other equity stakeholders, (2) parent, sister, brother and subsidiary companies, (3) joint ventures, limited partnerships, general partnerships, limited liability companies, or other unincorporated entities in which Client may have an ownership interest, (4) officers, (5) directors, (6) employees, or (7) any other party related by family relationship, management position or capacity, contractual, cross-ownership or otherwise. Accordingly, representation of You will not give rise to any potential conflict of interest (or cause for our disqualification) in the event other clients of the Firm are adverse to any of Your affiliates.
Client Responsibilities
You agree to pay our invoices for services and expenses as provided below. In addition, you agree to be candid and cooperative with us and will keep us informed with complete and accurate factual information, documents and other communications relevant to the subject matter of our representation or otherwise reasonably requested by us. We must necessarily rely on the accuracy and completeness of the information You and Your agents provide to us.
Because it is important that we are able to contact You at all times to consult with You, please inform us in writing of any changes in Your mailing address, e-mail address or telephone number, or changes in the name, address, telephone number, contact person, e-mail address, state of incorporation or other relevant changes regarding any of Your businesses. Whenever we need Your instruction or authorization in order to proceed with legal work on Your behalf, we will contact You at the latest business address we have received from You. If You affiliate with, acquire, are acquired by, or merge with another client, please provide us with sufficient notice to permit us to withdraw as Your lawyers if we determine that such affiliation, acquisition, or merger creates an irreconcilable conflict of interest between any of our other clients and the other party to such affiliation, acquisition, or merger, or if we determine that it is not in the best interests of the Firm to represent the new entity.
No Assignment
Because our relationship with you is personal in nature, our duties to you and your resulting rights or claims shall not be assignable or assigned to another person or entity, and unless we expressly agree otherwise in a writing signed by you and us, no third party shall be considered as a beneficiary of our services to you.
In-House Litigation Support Services
Electronic discovery and the use of technology has become a significant component of adversarial proceedings, and can be quite costly to clients. Although third party vendors offer technical litigation support, we offer in-house litigation support services that may be more economical to our clients than outside vendors. We welcome the opportunity to share with You information about our in-house litigation support services and staff, including the technologies they use. The pricing for this service is a one-time $250 charge for database set up and a $12/GB monthly storage fee for matters whose data equals or exceeds 5GB of storage. Matters whose data is smaller than 5GB will not be charged the monthly storage fee.
Billing Arrangements and Terms of Payment
We will invoice You for services rendered, disbursements and charges posted on our books on a monthly basis, or such other periodic basis as we may determine, and will expect payment within thirty days. In the event You do not object to any invoice we issue within 20 days after issuance, You agree that each invoice is accurate and reasonable and shall be considered an account stated, and You waive any right to object later to the accuracy or reasonableness of our services rendered or the amount due.
Interest will accrue at the rate of one percent per month on invoices outstanding more than thirty days. If You fail to pay any monthly invoices, we may, in our sole discretion, cease to represent You, and may apply the security retainer to Your outstanding invoices.
For Your convenience, You may make security retainer deposits or pay our invoices using any of the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover. In the event You elect to use a credit card, You may access our online payment portal by visiting Only You, or your designee, may authorize a charge to your credit card with respect to legal services rendered by the Firm. Such authorization will constitute your agreement to pay the amount charged and the charges are valid and reasonable.
Privileged Communications Exchanged by Electronic Means
You acknowledge that the Firm’s attorneys and staff sometimes communicate with You, and Your professionals and agents, by cellular phone, text messaging, videoconferencing and/or electronic mail, and that such communications are capable of being intercepted by others. You and the Firm expressly disclaim any intention to limit or waive legal protections afforded to their communications by using any electronic means. You agree to inform the Firm if You desire that privileged matters not be discussed through such electronic means. You agree to inform the Firm in advance if You wish to institute a system to encode all e-mail communication between the Firm and You, or Your professionals or agents, or otherwise to limit or prohibit the use of electronic means of communication during the engagement.
Sharing and Executing Documents by Electronic Means
You acknowledge that the Firm’s attorneys and staff may sometimes share documents and information with You, and/or Your professionals and agents, by electronic means (including facsimile, electronic mail or cloud-based platforms such as Sharefile), and also may seek your signature on documents by electronic means (e.g. .pdf or any electronic signature complying with the U.S. federal ESIGN Act of 2000, e.g., You consent to the Firm’s use of electronic means to share documents and information (and obtain signatures thereon) although such electronic communications are capable of being intercepted by others. You and the Firm expressly disclaim any intention to limit or waive legal protections afforded to their communications by using any electronic means. You agree to inform the Firm in writing if You desire that the Firm not share any documents and information (or obtain any signatures thereon) through electronic means.
Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools
We anticipate that, during the course of this engagement, the firm may use generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) to enhance and streamline certain aspects of our services. Like any technology, GenAI carries some degree of risk, which may include the risk of errors in GenAI-generated content, data security vulnerabilities, and system malfunctions. We have implemented reasonable measures to safeguard against these risks, and our lawyers maintain oversight of GenAI-generated outputs. Accordingly, we and you agree that the benefits of using this technology outweigh the related risks, and You consent to our use of this technology.
Public Relations and Marketing
Often times we refer to our public/non-confidential representations on our website and in public press releases. By executing our engagement letter, You agree that we may use Your name in our materials as a client. We will never publish any matters or details which are confidential in nature.
In-Firm Privilege
From time to time, issues arise relating to legal ethics or our duties under the professional conduct rules that apply to lawyers. These might include conflict of interest issues, and could even include issues raised because of a dispute between us and a client over the handling of a matter. In such instances, it may be necessary for our lawyers to consult with our firm’s General Counsel or other lawyers. We consider such consultations to be attorney-client privileged communications between firm personnel and the counsel for the firm.
By addressing our duties, obligations or responsibilities to a client in those consultations, it is possible that a conflict of interest might be deemed to exist as between our firm and a client. We believe that it is in our clients’ interest, as well as our firm’s interest, that when legal ethics or related issues arise during a representation, we obtain expert analysis of our obligations. Accordingly, You agree that if we determine in our own discretion during the course of the representation that it is either necessary or appropriate to consult with our internal or outside counsel, we have Your consent to do so and that our representation of You shall not, thereby, waive any attorney-client privilege that our firm may have to protect the confidentiality of our communications with counsel.
Termination of Engagement
You may terminate our services and representation at any time upon written notice to us. Such termination shall not, however, relieve You of the obligation to pay for all services already rendered, including work in progress and remaining incomplete at the time of termination, and to pay for all expenses incurred on Your behalf through the date of termination, all of which will be due and payable immediately upon termination.
We reserve the right to withdraw from our representation in our discretion or as required or permitted by the applicable rules of professional conduct upon written notice to You. In the event that we terminate the engagement, we will take such steps as are reasonably practicable to protect Your interests in the specified matter, and You agree to take all steps necessary to free us of any obligation to perform further, including the execution of any documents necessary to accomplish our withdrawal. We will be entitled to be paid immediately for all services rendered, and costs or expenses incurred on Your behalf, through the date of withdrawal. If permission for withdrawal is required by a court or arbitration panel, we will promptly request such permission, and You agree not to oppose our request. In the event of nonpayment of fees, we shall have a lien on all of Your documents, property of any kind, or money in our possession, custody or control to secure the payment of all sums due under this agreement, and upon property or funds received by You by settlement, judgment, or otherwise relating to any matter in which we provided counsel to You. In addition, any funds or monies recovered by You in one matter for which we have been engaged by You shall be security for the payment of our fees and costs in any other matter for which we have been engaged by You.
In the event You have engaged us on a contingent fee basis, You agree that Your termination of our services to You is without prejudice to any of our rights in respect of fees due to us based on the outcome of the Matter after our termination.
Unless previously terminated, our representation of You in a specified matter will terminate upon the earlier of the completion of our firm's work on that matter or when we send to You our final invoice for services rendered in the matter. Our firm's attorney-client relationship for that matter will terminate at such time.
Following termination of our services, at Your request, Your papers and property will be returned to You upon receipt of payment for outstanding fees and costs. We will retain our own files pertaining to the matter. Our own files include, for example, firm administrative records, time and expense reports, personnel and staffing materials, and credit and accounting records; and internal lawyers’ work product such as drafts, notes, internal memoranda, and legal and factual research, including investigative reports, prepared by or for the internal use of lawyers. All such documents retained by the Firm will be transferred to the person responsible for administering our records retention program. For various reasons, including the minimization of unnecessary storage expenses, we reserve the right to destroy or otherwise dispose of any such documents or other materials retained by us within a reasonable time after the termination of the engagement.
After the conclusion of our representation in a matter, changes may occur in the applicable laws, regulations, facts or circumstances that could have an impact upon Your rights and liabilities. Unless You separately engage us after the conclusion of the matter to provide additional advice on circumstances or issues arising since our earlier representation ended, the Firm has no continuing obligation to advise You or update You with respect to future legal developments, including changes in applicable laws, regulations, facts, or circumstances.
Frequently we produce and disseminate advisories and newsletters, or post information on our website or through social media, or conduct seminars or other presentations, that may offer timely insights and updates on a variety of issues. Information received through these advisories, newsletters or seminars shall not be considered as or constitute legal advice for any particular matter.
Responses to Audit Letter Requests
If You engage an accountant to audit Your financial statements, it is likely the accountant will request, during the audit, that our firm provide a written description of all pending or threatened claims or lawsuits to which our firm has given substantive attention on Your behalf. This request is typically a standardized letter provided by the accountant which You are requested to send to us for our response. We will typically charge You for providing the response to the audit letter, and You agree to pay such fees and costs related to our response to the audit letter request.
Dispute Resolution Procedures
It is our goal to maintain at all times a constructive and positive relationship with You on the matter described above and on future matters in which we may perform services. However, should a dispute arise between us arising out of or relating to this agreement or any services provided by us to You, in connection with the matter described above or any other matters (including malpractice claims and fee disputes), we believe that a prompt and fair resolution is in the interests of all concerned.
Voluntary Mediation
At the written request of the Firm or You, a dispute may be submitted to mediation prior to the commencement of any adversarial case between us. Either party may request mediation in writing within ten (10) calendar days following the Firm’s notice of invocation of these dispute resolution procedures. If served by first class mail, a notice of a request for mediation shall be considered received by the other party three (3) calendar days after mailing. If the other party within five (5) calendar days after notice does not also agree in writing to mediate, either party may then commence any adversarial case without further delay. If the parties agree to mediate, the mediation shall be completed no later than forty-five (45) calendar days following the initial written request for mediation.
In the mediation process, the parties will try to resolve their differences voluntarily with the aid of any impartial mediator, who will attempt to facilitate negotiations. The mediator will be selected by agreement of the parties. However, if the parties cannot agree on a mediator, any party may request that JAMS/Endispute designate a mediator.
The mediation will be conducted as specified by the mediator and agreed upon by the parties. The parties agree to discuss their differences in good faith and to attempt, with the assistance of the mediator, to reach an amicable resolution of the dispute.
The mediation will be treated as a settlement discussion. The mediation will be treated as confidential. The mediator may not testify for either party in any later proceeding relating to the dispute. No recording or transcript shall be made of the mediation proceedings.
Each party will bear its own costs in the mediation. The fees and expenses of the mediator will be shared equally by the parties.
If either party fails to strictly follow these mediation procedures, the other party shall be entitled to commence any adversarial proceeding without further delay.
Mutual Agreement to Use Voluntary Trial Resolution Judge To Resolve Disputes
You and we agree that any dispute arising out of, in connection with, or in relation to the interpretation, performance or breach of this Agreement – including any claim of legal malpractice whether sounding in tort or contract, negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, or similar claim, and any claim involving fees or expenses – shall be resolved exclusively by voluntary private trial resolution pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 44.104. The party initiating the claim shall file a complaint in either the 11th Judicial Circuit Court or the 17th Judicial Circuit Court, in and for the State of Florida; You and we agree that either of those Courts have jurisdiction over any dispute between You and us, and that venue is proper in either of those Courts. Within 15 days after service of a complaint, each of the parties named in such complaint agree to jointly move for the appointment of a voluntary trial resolution judge to preside over the action. The parties shall seek agreement on the selection of the voluntary trial resolution judge, but if the parties fail to reach agreement, then the Circuit Court Judge to whom the action was initially assigned shall appoint a voluntary trial resolution judge and determine said judge’s compensation in accordance with Florida Statutes Section Chapter 44.104. You and we agree to advance and pay the costs of the voluntary trial resolution judge equally during the pendency of the action or on such terms as the private judge may otherwise determine. Before agreeing to voluntary private trial resolution pursuant to Florida Statute Section 44.104, You have the right to consult with independent counsel.
For collection purposes, we may assign Your account(s) to an entity as permitted by Florida law and the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar, and we may represent that entity in pursuing collection of Your account(s).
Our relationship with You, including the validity, construction and enforceability of this engagement letter, shall be governed by the law and professional conduct rules of Florida, without regard to conflicts of laws principles.
Mutual Waiver of Right to Jury Trial
You and we irrevocably and unconditionally waive, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any right You and we may have to a trial by jury in any legal action, proceeding, cause of action or counterclaim arising out of or relating to this Agreement and any services rendered by us, including any claim of legal malpractice whether sounding in tort or contract, negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, or similar claim, and any claim involving fees or expenses. You and we certify and acknowledge that (a) no representative of the other party has represented, expressly or otherwise, that the other party would not seek to enforce the foregoing waiver in the event of a legal action, (b) You and we have considered the implications of this waiver, and (c) You and we make this waiver knowingly and voluntarily. Before agreeing to waive any right to a jury trial, You have the right to consult with independent counsel.

General Information Only; Disclaimer of Attorney-Client Relationship and Liability
The information contained on our website is provided to you only as general information. Although we make reasonable efforts to keep our website current, the information provided may not reflect the most recent legal developments. This website does not contain or provide legal advice or legal opinions. You should seek specific legal counsel concerning any specific facts or circumstances.
Unless we have agreed to represent you in writing, any information you submit to us will not be treated as privileged, confidential or sensitive. Your submission of such information will not prohibit us from using that information in our representation of another person or entity adverse to you in the same or substantially related matter. You should not send to us any information you consider privileged, confidential or sensitive unless we and you have executed our engagement letter.
We make no warranties, representations or claims of any kind concerning the information on this website, including without limitation the accuracy, completeness and suitability of this information for any purposes. Under no circumstances shall we be held liable to you or anyone else for any damages claimed as a result of the access or use of any information on this website.
Restrictions on Use of Materials
All materials contained on this website, and all intellectual property rights thereto, including copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade names and trade dress, are owned by Berger Singerman LLP or its affiliates. You agree to use the materials provided on this website for your own informational purposes and for no other purposes.
Links to Other Sites
We occasionally may lead you to other websites that are beyond our control. We are not responsible for the content of those other websites, and do not necessarily endorse or approve the information, materials, products or services contained on or accessible through other websites. Your access or use of any information, materials, products and services offered by other websites, are solely at your own risk.
Collection of Information from Site Users; “Cookies” Policy
Generally, you may visit our website without revealing any information about yourself. There are times, however, when we ask for identifiable information from you, such as your name, company, e-mail address, phone number, and address. We request this information in order to generally correspond with you as to non-privileged matters, to provide you with our newsletters or other publications, or to notify you about events. Where applicable, our website differentiates between data fields that are optional and those that are mandatory to obtain the requested information.
We may collect and/or track (a) the home server domain names, e-mail addresses, type of computer, and type of web browser of users to our website, (b) the e-mail addresses of users that communicate with us via the website, (c) information knowingly provided by the user in online forms, registration forms, surveys, etc. (including name, address, e-mail and other profile data), and (d) aggregate and user-specific information describing which website pages users have accessed.
We may place Internet "cookies" on users' hard drives. Internet cookies can save data about individual users, such as the user's name, password, user-name, screen preferences, the pages of a website viewed by the user, and the information viewed or clicked by the user. When the user revisits the website, we may recognize the visitor by the Internet cookie and customize the user's experience accordingly. Users may decline Internet cookies by using the appropriate feature of their web client software, if available. However, declining to use cookies may impede the ability of the website to function properly for you.
When a user performs a search within our website, we may record information identifying the user or linking the user to the search performed. We may also record information associated with every search request made by the user and use that information to solve technical problems and to calculate overall usage statistics, among other things.
Use of Data Collected from Website Users
We may use the data collected from our website for internal purposes, namely, for solving technical problems, calculating overall usage statistics, for internal marketing and promotional purposes, product development, content improvement, and to contact you and provide you with any information you have requested. We will not disclose to third parties any information identifying individual website users, such as names, postal and email addresses, telephone numbers, and other information which users voluntarily provide to us, except to the extent necessary to comply with applicable laws or legal processes (e.g., subpoenas), or to otherwise protect our rights or property.
Security Measures
We implement security features in an effort to prevent the unauthorized release of, or access to, information. Please note, however, that we are not responsible for the security of information transmitted via the Internet and we cannot guarantee the confidentiality of any communications or materials transmitted to or from us via the website or e-mail. In addition, whenever you select or receive a login and unique password for use of this website, you are solely responsible for the security of this information, and for all actions taken regarding them. For more private communications, users can contact us by telephone at the main office and direct line telephone numbers provided on the website.
Opt-Out Right
Users may opt out from our use of their information to send promotional materials to them, by contacting us by telephone at the main office and direct line telephone numbers provided on the website. If you receive a marketing email from us, you will be provided with an automated way to opt out (unsubscribe) from that particular communication or from all marketing emails sent by us. Please follow the instructions on the email you receive.
Revisions to Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions of Use from time to time. Please check the Terms and Conditions of Use whenever you visit our website.