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The Sun Shines Down on Florida – Alluring Yet Regulated

January 24, 2018

The Florida Bar Out-of-State Division, "New Eleventh Circuit opinion may warrant a second look at Florida as a venue for chapter 11 bankruptcy filings"

Winter 2017

Miami Today quotes Nick Jovanovich in, "Tax reduction on pass-through companies to have big impact"

January 23, 2018

Marc Shuster, Speaker, National Thomson Reuters Sales Conference

January 23, 2018

Medium Quotes Barry Lapides, Jeffrey Margolis and Marc Shuster in "Will There Be A Real Estate Bubble In South Florida?"

January 21, 2018

The New Deduction for Pass-Through Entities and Sole Proprietorships

January 21, 2018

James Gassenheimer, Speaker, "E-Discovery: How to Avoid Being TAR-ed and Feathered for the Foreign Entrepreneur," American Bankruptcy Institute

January 17, 2018

South Florida Business Journal quotes Colin Roopnarine in, "Report pegs marijuana market at $53.3B — but obstacles remain"

January 17, 2018

South Florida Real Estate Bubble Won't Burst in 2018 According to Berger Singerman Survey

January 17, 2018

South Florida Real Estate Bubble Won't Burst in 2018 According to Berger Singerman Survey

January 16, 2018

Bisnow Quotes Barry Lapides, Jeffrey Margolis and Marc Shuster in "These 3 Words Best Describe South Florida Real Estate Market"

January 16, 2018

Tax Court Giveth and Congress Taketh Away: Taxation of Sale of U.S. Partnership Interests by Foreign Persons and Impact on M&A Transactions

January 15, 2018