Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce, "A Second Chance for Small Businesses"
April 6, 2020
By: Michael J. Niles
The Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce - e-News
The filing of a bankruptcy petition, whether under Chapter 7, 12, 13, or 11, provides a second chance for most individuals and companies. In some circumstances, it may be appropriate to liquidate your company’s assets, and in other circumstances, such as when opportunities to grow a business still exist, it may be appropriate to reorganize the company’s debts into affordable payments made over time. Bankruptcy is not a death sentence; it is merely a safety net for individuals that dreamed big and fell hard. It’s a solution for ambitious companies, big or small, that took a chance and had bad luck. In 2020, filing for bankruptcy may just become the “new normal”.

Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce, "A Second Chance for Small Businesses"
April 6, 2020
By: Michael J. Niles
The Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce - e-News
The filing of a bankruptcy petition, whether under Chapter 7, 12, 13, or 11, provides a second chance for most individuals and companies. In some circumstances, it may be appropriate to liquidate your company’s assets, and in other circumstances, such as when opportunities to grow a business still exist, it may be appropriate to reorganize the company’s debts into affordable payments made over time. Bankruptcy is not a death sentence; it is merely a safety net for individuals that dreamed big and fell hard. It’s a solution for ambitious companies, big or small, that took a chance and had bad luck. In 2020, filing for bankruptcy may just become the “new normal”.