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Utility Service & 2016 Hurricanes: What You Need To Know

June 9, 2016
Floyd R. Self

Florida’s public utilities are ready for the 2016 hurricane season, are you?

The devastating hurricanes of 2004 and 2005 transformed the ways Florida’s utilities, especially the electric utilities, plan and prepare for hurricanes.  The 2004 hurricanes left many Floridians without electricity for as long as two weeks and the 2005 storms caused power outages of up to 18 days.

Get Ahead of the Storm: Issues for Lease Considerations

June 9, 2016
P. Benjamin Zuckerman, Jonathan Claussen, and Gina Clausen Lozier

Corporate Divorce: Control Emotions. The Effort Should Be to Maximize Real Value, Not Inflict Pain or Get Even. Why a Negotiated Remedy Is Often Best

June 9, 2016
P. Benjamin Zuckerman

At the beginning of the corporate divorce case, emotions are high and the parties often focus more on lashing out at the other — to get even with or inflict pain on the co-owner – rather than on obtaining an optimal split of the business.  It often starts as a scorched earth, all-or-nothing approach where the client’s expressed view is often: “The co-owner’s entitled to nothing, so prove he’s the bad guy and make sure he gets nothing”.  While there are cases where there is good reason simply to pursue full blown litigation and the all-or-nothing goal, there are many cases where that approach is not the best or even an effective strategy.  It is often your task to control your client’s emotions and have him or her focus on what really matters.

Cybersecurity: Before and After the Storm

June 8, 2016
Gavin C. Gaukroger and Gina Clausen Lozier

Are You Caught in the Storm? What Bankruptcy Practitioners Need to Know about Hurricane Claims

June 7, 2016
Ashley Dillman Bruce, Leslie Gern Cloyd, and Gina Clausen Lozier

Governments Are Not Immune to Hurricanes

June 6, 2016
Dawn M. Meyers and Gina Clausen Lozier

Don't Be a Scapegoat: What an Insurance Agent Should Know When Preparing Clients for Hurricane Season

June 5, 2016
Gina Clausen Lozier and Barry D. Lapides

Eleventh Circuit Gives Guidance to Third Parties Served With Discovery

May 26, 2016
Paul A. Avron and Ilyse M. Homer

Attorneys and their clients should be aware of the means of preserving, or attempting to preserve, the right immediately (or almost immediately) to appeal discovery orders adverse to the “attorney-client privilege”, regardless of whether  the client is a party or non-party to the case in which a formal request for documents

Husky Is Not So Lucky for Debtors – the United States Supreme Court's Recent Opinion on the Denial of Debt Dischargeability Under Bankruptcy Code § 523(a)(2)(a)'s Actual Fraud Provision

May 25, 2016
Lewis M. Killian Jr. and Ashley Dillman Bruce

What You Need To Know About Your Insurance Policy

May 11, 2016
Gina Clausen Lozier

New York Simplifies Registration Requirements for Certain Out-Of-State Real Estate Projects

May 11, 2016
Jeffrey R. Margolis and Barry D. Lapides

Doing Business in Florida, "Don't Be A Jerk: It Can Cost You Big $"

May 10, 2016