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Search Results : to-go liquor

Client Alert: “Having One for the Road” Takes on a New Meaning with CS/SB148

March 15, 2021
Colin M. Roopnarine  |  to-go liquor

One of the many adaptations adopted by Florida restaurateurs during the shut-down in an effort to keep their customers happy and their businesses afloat may find itself into the post-COVID mainstream.  CS/SB 148 was introduced by Senator Bradley and the Regulated Industries Committee specifically to address the continued ability for restaurants to include alcoholic beverages in to-go orders.  It allows an establishment to sell and deliver alcoholic beverage drinks prepared and sealed by an establishment with a “special restaurant license” for off-premises consumption.  A “special restaurant license” requires that at least 51 percent of gross food and beverage revenue must be derived from the sale of food and non-alcoholic beverages during the first 60-day operating period and each 12-month operating period thereafter.  The Bill also allows for manufacture-sealed beer, wine and liquor and transported in a bag.